Training and Communication
Training and Communication is a fundamental pillar of OGMA Ethics & Compliance Program.
In addition to having our Code of Ethics and Conduct, policies and procedures developed and written in a direct, simple, clear and structured manner, we know that our people need to know their contents and be appropriately trained to incorporate and apply such knowledge in their daily activities.
The main objectives of our Ethics & Compliance Training Plan include:
- Dissemination of OGMA's values, standards, policies and procedures on ethical conduct and integrity in our business;
- Administering training to all our people, including members of the Board of Directors, the Management and employees in areas particularly dedicated to ensuring compliance with the Company's rules and procedures, such as procurement, sales, finance, legal department, government relations, new business development, and internal audit and controls;
- Use of several education and awareness-raising mechanisms, such as online resources, lectures, workshops, learning assessments, certifications and support provided by related experts, etc.
That is why we offer periodic training to all our people, in all the divisions and countries in which we operate, and in all the appropriate languages, which describes, among other topics, the principles provided for in our Code of Ethics and Conduct and in our Anticorruption guidelines, including the Helpline channel reporting options, at all times.
In addition to constant awareness-raising and communication actions to promote ethical behavior and the prevention of corruption at OGMA, all our people must attend the continuation training modules on Anticorruption guidelines, at least every three years. As for those specific people that are exposed to a higher risk of corruption, we provide customized and updated training at least once a year.
The effectiveness of our Training and Communication is measured systematically and continuously, for example by means of scenario tests, face-to-face questions, surveys, audits and monitoring, etc., that are aimed at the continuous improvement of our Ethics & Compliance Program.
We believe that the higher the quality of our Ethics & Compliance Training and Communication plan, the greater the positive impact on our people's behavior, thus strengthening our ethical culture, at all times.